1992-97: Oxford University Zoology. Wildlife Conservation Research Unit.
Doctorate, Mammal social behaviour - European badger (Meles meles).
Wildlife Surveyor for IUCN Canid Species Specialist group, South & South East Asia projects, Churchill Fellowship.
1985: Freelance Biologist.
Wildlife Guide for Peruvian Safaris S.A. and Galapagos Tours S.A.
Plant hunter for Ghana Cocoa Growers’ Association.
Doctor of Philosophy, Oxford University Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (Awarded Autumn 1997)
B.Sc. Biology Degree; First Class Honors Southampton.
S Level; Biology, (Distinction).
A Level; Art, Biology, Chemistry, Physics.
1995/6 Research Scholarship, top academic merit, Awarded by Oxford University, Lady Margaret Hall(Successive Awards).
1994/5 Research Scholarship, top academic merit, Lady Margaret Hall College.
1993/4 Research Scholarship, top academic merit, Lady Margaret Hall College.
1991/2 Churchill Fellow - Churchill Traveling Fellowship, (Expedition Leader category).
1987 Top graduate in biology orientated degrees Southampton University
1985 Oliver Kite Memorial Prize by University Senate for the best second year Biological Sciences examinations, (76 students).
1983 Top Entry National Prince Philip Prize presented by the London Zoological Society for project work by students under 20 years of age.
1982Winner of the Institute of Biology Three Counties Prize for student research projects.
Live trapping, anasthesia, and veterinary procedures wild Mammals. Holder of Home Office (U.K. Government mammal trapping license 1992-1997).
Click for Passive Range Exclusion Sample Paper.pdf
Publications on Mammals
Stewart, P.D., Macdonald, D.W., Newman, C. and Tattersall, F.H. 2002. Behavioural mechanisms of information transmission and reception by badgers, Meles meles, at latrines. Animal Behaviour 63:999-1007.
Macdonald, D.W., Newman, C., Stewart, P.D., Domingo-Roura, X., and Johnson, P.J. 2002. Density-dependent regulation of body mass and condition in badgers (Meles meles) from Wytham Woods. Ecology 83:2056-2061. .
Macdonald, D.W., Stewart, P.D., Johnson, P.J, Porkert, J. and Buesching C, D. 2002. No evidence of social hierarchy amongst feeding badgers, Meles meles. Ethology 108:613-628.
Stewart, P.D., Macdonald, D.W., Newman, C., and Cheeseman, C.L. 2001. Boundary faeces and matched advertisement in the European badger (Meles meles): a potential role in range exclusion. Journal of Zoology 255:191-198.
Tuyttens, F.A.M., Stapley, N., Stewart, P.D., and Macdonald, D.W. 2001b. Vigilance in badgers Meles meles: the effects of group size and human persecution. Acta Theriologica 46 (1):79-86.
Stewart P.D., Bonesi L., Macdonald D.W., (1999). The role of the individual in badger-group den maintenance. Animal Behaviour 57:153-161.
Wong J., Stewart P.D., Macdonald D.W., (1999). Vocal Repertoire of the European Badger: Structure context and function. Journal of Mammalogy, 80 (2):570-588.
Stewart P.D., Anderson C. & Macdonald D.W. (1997). A mechanism for passive range exclusion: evidence from the European badger. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 184: 279-289.
Wilson J., Godfrey L., Simons E., Stewart P., Vuilaume M. (1995), Past & present lemur fauna at Ankarana, North Madagascar. Primate Conservation 16: 47-52.
Stewart P. D. (1993), Mapping the Asiatic Wild Dog. Canid News 1: 18-21.
Wilson J., Stewart P.D., Ramangason G.S., Denning A.M., Hutchings M. (1989), Ecology and Conservation of the Crowned Lemur, Lemur coronatus, at Ankarana, N. Madagascar. (With notes on Sanfords Lemur, Other Sympatrics and Subfossil Lemurs). Folia Primatologia 52: 1-26.
Publications on Techniques
Macdonald, D.W., Stewart, P.D., Stopka, P. (2000). Measuring the dynamics of mammalian societies. Pages 332-388 in L. Boitani and T.K Fuller, eds. Research techniques in animal ecology: controversies and consequences. Columbia Univesity Press. New York.
Stewart P.D., Ellwood S.A. & Macdonald D.W. (1997). Video surveillance of Wildlife - an introduction from experience with the European badger. Mammal Review 27: 185-204.
Stewart P.D. & Macdonald D.W. (1997). The influence of age sex and condition on the timing of the moult in the European badger and the efficacy of a new fur clip technique for individual marking of the European badger. Journal of Zoology. 241: 543-550.
Stewart P. D. (1991), Practical Methods for Photographic Size Estimations in Crocodilians. American Journal of Herpetology (Herpetological Review 19/4: 80-82).
Publications on Reptiles
Stewart P.D. 1987, Observations on the Ecology and Conservation of the Black Caiman, Melanosuchus niger, in South East Peru. Award winning report compiled for University third year dissertation. 101 pages including figures, Southampton University.
Stewart P.D. 1987, "The Crocodiles" and "Use of Caves by the Lemurs", pp. 114-115, 116, in The Crocodile Caves of Ankarana. (Wilson J. ed.), Cave Science Vol 14, No. 3, pp.107-119.
Stewart P.D. 1986, Lost Worlds and Crocodiles in Madagascar. Forest 16:3.
Publications on Invertebrates
Stewart, P.D. and Macdonald, D.W. 2003. Badgers and badger fleas: Strategies and counter-strategies. Ethology 109:751-764.
Cox R., Stewart P.D, and Macdonald D.W. The ectoparasites of the European badger, Meles meles and the behaviour of the host specific flea, Paraceras melis. Insect Behaviour. 245-265.
Stewart P.D. (1984), Butterfly Farming in South East Peru. In "Greenbook" Tambopata Reserve Plan. (Lacaze D. and Gunther M., eds.), pp. 41-53. Ministerio de Agriculture Y Alimentation, Lima, Peru.
Stewart P.D. (1982), Breeding the Aristolochia Feeding Papilionids. Bull. Amat.Ent. Soc., 41: 174-178.
Publications on Plants
Stewart P.D. (1985), Wild Cocao in Madre De Dios, South East Peru. Special Report commissioned by Ghana Cocoa Growing Research Association. 40 pages including figures.
Publications on Conservation
Fowler S.V., et al (1989), Survey & Management Proposals for a Tropical Deciduous Forest Reserve at Ankarana in Northern Madagascar. Biol. Conserv. 47, 297 - 313.
Stewart P.D. (1988), The Tambopata Reserve Zone, South East Peru. Oryx Vol. 22 No. 2, 95-99.
Wilson J., Stewart P.D., and Fowler S.V. (1988), Ankarana; A Rediscovered Reserve in Northern Madagascar. Oryx Vol. 22, 163-171.
Stewart P.D. (1988), Ankarana Damaged. Oryx Vol 22, 240-241.
MSc Supervisor and Teacher in Animal Behaviour, Dept. Zoology, Oxford Univ.
Talks on Expeditions and Research; BBC Natural History Radio Programs, Royal Geographical Society, Oxford University Exploration Society etc.
“Using Video in Animal Behaviour Studies”. Presentation to International Theriological Congress in Mexico. September 1997.
“Measuring Social Dynamics of Mammal Societies” Co-author with Dr. David Macdonald on presentation for International School of Ethology 12th Workshop, Erice-Sicily. December 1996.
“New techniques for observing wildlife”. Presentation to Cambridge University Carnivore Workshop & “Reproductive behaviour of the European Badger”. Talk to Oxford University fertility control workshop. 1996.